

You know that face that someone gives you when you've just said something that makes no sense at all, or if you just spoke too fast while they were day dreaming and then they finally come to? Or the best is when you are eating out with someone and they find a hair in their dish - you know that face? Yeah, well that's the face most people give me when I give them my blog address. I'm assuming it's because xanghe is not a word you encounter everyday (get this, as I typed it just now, my auto spell check underlined it in red, as if it's not a word or something.) The only other time I've seen this word is in phou xanghe, a tiny conservation forest of cypress trees in southern Laos. So what is this word, and why do I insist on using it as my online alias despite "the face?" Well, I'll tell you... it all started when I was trying to learn Vietnamese... (flashback sound effect...)

It must have been my first summer in California, and I must have been driving by this time instead of biking. I was at a friend's house practicing Vietnamese before our appointment. I believe it was Cindy and Vân we were talking to. Cindy asked me several questions - all of which I answered in glorious infant Vietnamese, I'm sure - about how my day was going. Then she got to the kicker: "Em đến đây bằng gì?" It's a simple question, really, something like "How did you get here?" I had been on bike before that so my initial reaction was to blurt out: "Em đi bằng xe đạp!" and feel proud of myself, even though my answering verb was off. I caught myself just in time to construct a variation of the same sentence ("Em đi bằng xe hơi.") , but also just in time to throw my tongue for a spin so that the words that came out were definitely not Vietnamese (apparently they were Laotian). "Em đi xăng he." Usually, I'll transpose the first letters of two words and realize the slip almost as the words cross my lips, so I correct it naturally as if I meant to do it. This time it was like I got hit by a train mid-sentence and all the first letters of the last words bumped up to the middle words and the very last word got swept away with the caboose. There was a silence, during which I picked up my tongue from off the floor, then a burst of giggles (Cindy and Vân were master gigglers), followed by an immediate christening: "Xanghe."

Any practical usage of the name died off pretty quickly (probably because of the face others made when we said it), except when Cindy wanted to tease me. But it stuck in my head as a reminder of how slippery language is, that there are unique letters and sounds and tones laws and rules and conventions for each language, but when it all boils down it's just a way to communicate. I've used the name as a title for my blog because even when I don't write about language, I still think about it. When I don't know what to think or feel, I just talk. And what language do I speak? Whatever comes out. That's what xanghe means to me now: it's just talkin' my thoughts out.



I've done my javascript homework and I finally figured out how to put sidenotes into my blog. To me, a sidenote is something that isn't including in the body of the text because it's too lengthy, trivial or just superfluous. In conversation, this is easy. The master of sidenotes, at least to me, was Mr Randy Oveson. He'd be telling you a story and then right in the middle of the climax, he'd lean over and say something in a hushed voice, like "You know, that guy is always doing stupid stuff like that." or "You know that's a lie." So, in my tribute to Thầy Thái, here's my attempt at cyber sidenotes. Anything in this nice blue color is a sidenote. Click on it to see what I have to say under my breath. :)

Try it our here or this one or right here.


The Floor is Finished

After a full week of cleaning and tearing up and pulling down our condo's old floor, a full weekend of dad-power, and another full week of recleaning and reorganizing and remembering where we stored all of our stuff, we are now finished with the hardwood floor. (by finished, we mean "able to function") Please take a look at our new look by clicking on the picture below:

The house is markedly more attractive, even though all that changed was the floor (tiền đâu mà mua đồ đạc mới?). It echoes more, too, which is sometimes annoying but I guess it's better for if someone tries to break in. Overall, we really like it and have been giddy ever since we finished.



Tết Pictures are here!

We finally got our Tết pictures online so please take a look.

note: see my wedding blog for other Tết picture sites



Weird. My post yesterday was all about reader comments on the OCRegister's website, and today they publish an article about it. I guess I'm not the only one...

Online Chat Can Get Ugly

Note: This article actually has some decent posts.

Another Update: Good friend Triết commented today (on the previous article) and his sentiments just about sum up the OCRegister article.


Breeders of Hate

Whoa, I just realized that my last two entry titles sound a little grim... oh, well. There's a season for grimness, I guess, if that's even a word. (maybe ask the Byrds)
This article (Gunfire wounds 2 in Santa Ana) caught my eye for two reasons: 1) I just finished reading an article about a stabbing in the same city; and 2) I live in Santa Ana. I felt a little ill reading it, especially since I work one short mile away from the location of the shooting. But what made me really want to puke was the comments. More so than gang violence, the violence I hear when hateful people speak out shakes me at the very core, because those are the people who can open fire on anyone at any time. Take for instance 24-year-old Thien Minh Ly, a Vietnamese student who was stabbed to death in Tustin (again, right across the street from me) in 1996 by Gunner Lindberg, who later bragged: "I killed a Jap."

Take a look at this article, and then read the comments from the bottom up (i.e. from the oldest to most recent) and see if you don't find yourself a bit shaken up. (Note: in the time it took to write this, 20 more comments appeared on the actual article website. Do check the article itselfas I'm sure more comments are on their way) Besides the BRITTANY SPEARS #1 FAN (who, for some reason, has been commenting on every OC Register article today), these people are expressing much more than anger or fear - this is full-fledged hate directed at a whole community. Forget racism, forget the stats that Mexicans and Blacks commit the most crimes, forget all of the stereotypes that we think are based on fact - the truth of the matter is that whether or not the stats or stereotypes are true, when one group that is already politically dominant promotes and perpetuates hate against another, we start flirting with fascism (not the technical definition ). Do Hitler, KKK, and the Ottomans ring a bell? It's a stretch to compare ordinary OC people to Nazis, but what happens when the majority of Americans jump on this anti-immigrant bandwagon? Oh wait... (read here and here to see the public opposition to Bush's super minor changes in immigration policy in 2004)

Anyway, sorry about the little soap-box performance. It's just that I live in the same vicinity as the people who posted those comments. Oh, btw for those of you who don't know me, I grew up in a White neighborhood, I have a Japanese last name, my wife is Vietnamese and the cashiers speak to me in Spanish in the supermarket. Maybe that's why I'm a little shaken up...

Gunfire wounds 2 in Santa Ana

Men fired on early this morning on South Shelton Street in what police believe is gang-related shooting.


SANTA ANA– Two men – a 19-year-old and a 20-year-old – were wounded by gunfire early this morning in what police believe was a gang-related shooting in a residential neighborhood.

The victims were standing outside their vehicle when they were confronted by a male driving a black late '90s Honda Accord, Santa Ana police Sgt. Ernie Conde said.

It appears there was a verbal exchange between the victims and the attacker before the shooting, Conde said.

Police received several calls about three or four gunshots fired about 1:17 a.m. on the 1100 block of South Shelton Street.

The callers said one victim was lying on the street, but when police arrived they didn't find the victims, Conde said.

It turns out the brother of the 20-year-old victim, who was sitting inside the vehicle at the time of the shooting, transported both men to Western Medical Center-Santa Ana, Conde said.

Valentine Velasquez Pascual, 19, suffered a gunshot would to his left shoulder. Osiris Valdez, 20, suffered a gunshot wound to his face near his left eye. Both victims are in stable condition, police said.

Contact the writer: 714-704-3709 or desalazar@ocregister.com


Readers' comments

I think its funny that people have the nerve to talk smack about Mexicans here, but when you run into one of us, you guys act all polite. I guess the trash talking on here makes you guys feel good but in reality you are too affraid to walk through are neighborhoods. hahaha

David - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

good love - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

cuz it always is the wetbacks, DUH!!!

wet back h8ter - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse


BRITNEY SPEARS#1 - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

come join me in the promised land of ribs and watermelon

MLK - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

for the person who said about wetbacks screw you why does it always have to be mexicans

MYSELF - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

Only thing good in Santa Ana is the rolled tacos from Albertos.

Wacky Paki - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

They should move Santa Ana to the 909. fine place to build a giant park and call it a day. As for these two being shot...you get what ya play with, guess you have more street cred now... and the cycle of stupidity will continue.

Mitch - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

Britney Spears fan - your grammer sounds like your the same persion you have interest in Britney Spears (both ignorant)

stupid one - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

Another bunch of fine contributions to Orange County from our neighbors to the south. If they want to give us gang bangers, why the f dont we just send all our child molesters to them. 13 seems to be the normal age for a first pregnancy anyways.

Great - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse


BRITNEY SPEARS#1 - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

If they stayed in Mexico it would have happened a long time ago! Mexico is not a nice place. People come here to get away from the violence and corruption.

H - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

Testimony that most mexicans are like coach roaches - send them all back to Mexico and quit filling our schools and hospitals.

go back home - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

If both of those guys would have stayed in Mexico, this never would have happened. The "better life" that so many Mexicans allegedly come here to find is often ruined by their own culture of gangs and violence.

concerned citizen - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

Britney Spears fan....maybe you can't read-get a clue ....or maybe you need to be in Iraq

gang bangers - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

we need to bring Carlos Menica to shut everone up carlos carlos carlos

carlos fan - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

gang export , i agree, they act tough here, but they would get hung and beheaded in iraq they should be shipped there.

t - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

I agree with gang export. Problem is the gang bangers are cowards --- I can just see them hiding in Iraq - they think they're tough - ship to Iraq and see how "brave and tough" they really are. Maybe they would appreciate being "free".

ageee with gang export - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

Gang members are too chicken sh1t to fight in war. They are also way too lazy. They can't run with their pants aroung their thighs (PULL THEM UP)

anti gangs - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

Who wants these goons in our honorable military? I say ship them off to the streets of Iraq so they can prove just how tough they really are.

Gang Export - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

i agree with mar , if your in a gang its mandatory draft, and send them off to war,they have nothing to live for let them get road side bombed. what a waste of humans these losers are.

t - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse


BRITNEY SPEARS #1 FAN - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

NO comment!!

WTH - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

sorry sharon, cant agree with you, why would you want to move santa ana closer to the border whats that going to solve?!?!?!? I was born & raised in Santa Ana and im not a gang member. Santa Ana is not bad city and just an FYI theres gangs in every city even the upper class neighborhoods has its gangs...but i do agree with "disgusted with gangs" i say let them shoot each other either that or we have to support them when they hit the system anyway...and its not just mexican gangs its every nationality.... just an FYI.....

Karen* - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

all the wetbag who in the gangster business need to deport them back to MEX.

jonnyhome714 - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

I like the idea of new law like that, if you aare going to be shooting at least hit the friggin target.

?? - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

New law. If you're in a gang. You can be drafted into the Army. A little discipline for those who like to shoot things

- Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

gangs and gang members are pathetic...too bad we can't move santa ana south of the border.

sharon - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

glad to see these shooters have been practicing their shooting skills.

all right - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

another waste of police time ... let them kill each other off - saves us having to support them with food, clothes and living quarters for the rest of their lives.

disgusted w gangs - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

It isn't a very smart idea to hang outside your buddies house anywhere in Santa Ana. All the young bucks think they own the streets. How about you pay rent 1st!

Mr. T - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse


ME - Mar. 12, 2007 Report Abuse

Fire and Brimstone on the Hill

I've always joked with my wife about Orange County being one of those places that will be completely annihilated at the Second Coming, not unlike the cities of Capernaum or Moroni in the scriptures. It's all fun and games until I wake up Sunday morning to the smell of smoke and falling ash. It seems like these wildfires are happening every year now - last year my former boss got a call from her husband informing her that he was evacuating the house because of fire danger. "What do you want me to bring with me?" he asked her. Even though the fire seems to be under control now, it's still scary to think that such a "small-scale" blaze could turn the sky black and the moon red. I guess a person doesn't have to be evacuated to be shaken up by a fire on the hill.

UPDATE: I just received word that my former boss was evacuated this time, too. She just got back home this afternoon. Things are ok in her neck of the woods. At least for now...


John 8 - The Testimony of Christ

"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." This well-known aphorism found in John 8:7 was softly spoken to the scribes and the Pharisees who brought a woman caught in adultery to the Master. The lesson so skillfully and concisely taught by Jesus in this incident could basis of a whole sermon in and of itself, but it is not this story that makes me love John 8. It's the following 50 verses that stand out as a guide to us all - Christ's testimony of Himself. (Note: Scripture references with only numbers are found in the Gospel of John)
He begins by testifying of himself as the "light of the world," (12) perhaps in reference to the large torches that were kept burning during all eight days of the Feast of Tabernacles. (7:2) The Pharisees immediately seize the opportunity and tell him that his testimony doesn't count because he's alone and according to the law (Duet 19:15), two or more witnesses are required to establish the truth. "Thou bearest record of thyself; thy record is not true." (13) is their reasoning. The beauty of this chapter is that Christ's testimony of himself is not based on his own personal soul searching or research, but on his relationship to the Father (Matt 16:15-17) - without the Father, he is nothing (5:19), but with the Father he is the Christ. "A am one that bear witness of myself," he replies to the Pharisees, "and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me." (18, see also Matt 3:17). Practically in jest, the Pharisees shoot back, "Where is thy Father?" Building on a principle he taught a day earlier (7:16-17), Jesus answers, "Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also."
At this time in Christ's ministry, the Pharisees and other leaders in Jerusalem - collectively, "the Jews" - had already solidified their plans to kill Jesus. (7:1) This he knew, and he took precaution as he attended the Feast. (7:8-10) He knew that his teachings would incite the Jews to anger, but continued about the work of his Father in instructing his few believers in the temple. He had the power to call down legions of angels in his defense had he so desired, but that was not the plan nor the will of the Father. He continued to bear testimony of himself, "and no man laid hands on him; for his hour was not yet come." (20)
The Jews continued to pester him in hopes of catching him in his words and using such as witness against him. In calm dignity Jesus brushes aside such petty inquiries with flowing Hebrew poetry: "Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world." (23) His following witness of his submission to the Father bounces off the Pharisees ears but reaches the others in the temple treasury, causing many to believe. (30) He turns to them and utters a beautiful promise, that if they follow him, they "shall know the truth, and the truth shall make [them] free." (32) At this, the Jews' disposition turns from cunning to arrogant as they take offense at his implication that they, the seed of Abraham, are not already free. In response to their angry question, "How sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?" (33), Jesus boldly states: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin." (34) As Jesus continues to coolly explain how a child can only do the works it sees its father do, the Jews quickly retort. "Abraham is out father." (39)
One of the traditions that had been embellished into the unwritten laws of Jewry was that blood relation to Abraham meant a guaranteed a place in the kingdom of God (probably based on a misconstrued understanding of the Abrahamic covenant - see Genesis 17 and Genesis 22:15-18). This was reinforced spiritually as well as socially as is seen by the Jews' mentality towards other peoples, such as the Samaritans (because of their mixed ancestry, the Jews had "no dealings with the Samaritans" - see John 4:9). The Jews views them as a degenerate race. So when Jesus replies to their feeble retort, "If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham." (39), the cornered Jews think with disgust on the perceived unholy state of mixed blood. Their reaction is uncontrollably desperate: "We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God." (41) To this, Jesus attests again - a third time - that he is of the Father: "If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me." (42 - see also John 7:16 and 8:18).
Commenting on their inability to understand chastisement, Jesus transitions from cool corrective teachings to white-hot rebuke: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth... And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not." (44-45) He concludes that they will not believe because they are not of God (47). Such direct assaults to their person, their position and their revered traditions threw the Pharisees into a fit of disgruntled rage. How dare a mere Galilean (7:41) deny that they, the rulers of the covenant people, were not of God? In an attempt to publicly disown the Lord himself from the Fathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), they angrily spit back their greatest insult: "Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil?" (48) Perhaps sorrowful for the evil state of his covenant people so personified in this handful of accusing Pharisees, Jesus quietly answers: "I have not a devil; but I honour my Father, and ye do dishonour me." (49) Nevertheless, he continues his teaching, concluding with yet another seal to his testimony of his Messiahship: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death." (51 - see also 7:37-38, 8:31).
At this, the Jews feel empowered at finally finding a statement that they feel can be used against him. With an unspoken "Ah ha!" they hiss, "Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death. Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thyself?" (52-53) This last question - "Whom makest thou thyself?" - would be equivalent to our "Why do you think you are?" , in essence a testimony of their total and complete denial of Jesus as the Christ. Jesus corrects their twisted reason, stating that he would be a liar if he claimed he did not know God through keeping his sayings (54-55). Reversing the Jews' claim of Jesus' total disassociation with Abraham, he throws a curve ball that confounds even the most learned among them: "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad." (56) Confused and blinded by their own disbelief, the Jewish leaders asked what might have been their first sincere question, if only out of flabbergasted curiosity: "Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?" (57) Jesus took a breath before uttering his magnificent reply: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am." (58)
In the Old Testament, we read of the God who saved Jacob and his family from the great famine (Gen 46:2-3), the God who lead Israel our of Egypt and bondage (Ex 3:7-8), the Great Jehovah who covenanted eternal blessings to the fathers (Ex 6:3-4). This God of the Old Testament is the God to whom the Jews pledged their allegiance, their undying loyalty. And now, unbeknownst to them, this God stood before them and witnessed of himself - that he was the promised Messiah. The God of the Old Testament is Jesus Christ, known before his birth and earthly ministry as Jehovah. That name was so sacred among the Jews that reading or speaking it aloud was strictly prohibited. In Greek, the term used to identify "Jehovah" is the same term found in Ex 3:14, denoting "the eternal I AM." Here, Christ reiterates the term, witnessing to the Jews as he once did for Moses (Ex 3:14) that before Abraham (basically, before and above the law and the prophets to which the Jews so fervently adhered- before all things, he was God, Jehovah, even the Great I AM. At that, the Jews burst into a furious riot, scrambling for stones to cast at him that instant, hoping that their murderous plans could be accomplished then and there. He had openly witnessed of his Father, and of the wickedness of the leaders of Israel to the most hostile audience so far in his entire ministry. But more importantly, his time had come to proclaim his Messiahship, publicly, profoundly and fearlessly in the face of those who would eventually cause his crucifixion. But his hour of death had not yet come, and Jesus ducks away in the tumult and "went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by." (59)


Cha nào con nấy (like father like son)

After two days of strenuous work, my dad has finished flooring all but the bedroom, mainly because we packed it full of stuff from the rest of the house. The kitchen has a bright bamboo floor now and the living room is a beautiful contrast of auburn/brown Manchurian walnut. The bill for the wood alone will put us on the mì gói list for a while, but it was well worth the effort. Usually, house improvements like this are a little disappointing - after all the planning and shopping around and buying and installing, the finished product doesn't look quite like the image on the advertisement. I hear, "This isn't the same color we picked at the store." all the time from DIY home fixer-uppers. But this has surpassed my expectations. Pictures are forthcoming.

The real reason I needed to blog tonight is because something hit me today (for the third time in the last few months) - I'm a lot like my dad. I know, I know, "Like father, like son" is such a cliché, but it's dang true. Over Christmas break, my wife and I stayed at my parents for a couple weeks to celebrate the holidays (in the snow rather than in sunny socal). As we were driving with my dad from the airport, he was texting back and forth with my brother about their weekend plans. "You know, I'm just barely becoming slightly less technology illiterate." he said as he typed (and drove). I had been thinking the same thing at work for the last few days as I pushed my mad Access skills to the limits by adding relationships to my tables and making a query. Different level of technology? Yes, but we still share the joy of learning something new, no matter how much more proficient other people might be at it.

The next instance happened on the same trip. One icy morning my dad and I decided to take a "walk" up the canyon. This walk turned out to be a 6-mile speed trek over snow-covered roads that left my heels and socks soaked in blood (stupid Shoe City shoes). The whole way up, I kept thinking, "Man, dad's trying to kill me." Did he not remember that I've lived at 58 feet above sea level for the last 5 years? Did he not realize that we were thousands of feet higher than my lungs' homeostasis and still climbing with every step? All this, but I was determined to keep my mouth shut. My lungs and heels might be bleeding bright red, but I ain't gonna say a word. I'm not a pansy. I figured dad must have loved watching me heave my way up and down that mountain, and I didn't want to ruin it by complaining. However, once we got home, I overheard someone in the kitchen ask dad how it went. He said, "That kid just kept going. I think he was trying to kill me."

Lastly, in preparing to replace our awesome carpet with hardwood, I read up on the installation techniques so I could look for potential problems before we started installing. The first item on the checklist was to check the underlayment to see if it is cement or wood. "Well, duh," I thought, "we're on the second floor. Of course it's wood. Who in their right mind would put cement on the second floor?" My wife and I measured our tiny place, ordered the wood, moved the furniture and started ripping up the old flooring. Lo and behold, right under the first tile of fake linoleum lay a smooth gray surface - none other than Mr Cement! I called dad right away to warn him. After hearing my announcement, he said, "That's funny because I just talked to my flooring guy and he said that the underlayment might be cement. I told him, 'No way, who would lay cement on the second floor?'"

Sorry about the text-heavy, pic-light post. I'll rectify that as soon as we get the desktop set up again. It has all the pictures on it.

Jolie to adopt Vietnamese

It looks like Angelina is adopting again, this time Vietnamese. First Ethiopia, then Cambodia, now Vietnam... I wonder what brought her to Vietnam?

Thứ Sáu, 02/03/2007, 17:31 (GMT+7)

Jolie và cậu con nuôi người Campuchia - Maddox

Angelina Jolie nộp hồ sơ tới bộ Tư pháp VN xin con nuôi

Jolie và cậu con nuôi người Campuchia - Maddox

Nữ diễn viên Hollywood nổi tiếng hôm qua đã nộp hồ sơ tới Bộ Tư pháp VN, xin nhận bé trai khoảng 3-4 tuổi ở trung tâm bảo trợ trẻ em mồ côi Tam Bình tại TP HCM làm con nuôi. Tuần trước, cô bắt đầu làm thủ tục tại Sở Di trú và Nhập cư Mỹ.

Ông Vũ Đức Long - Cục trưởng Cục con nuôi (Bộ Tư pháp) - cho biết, Angelina Jolie là người đứng tên nhận con nuôi. Theo quy định của luật pháp Việt Nam, cô và người tình Brad Pitt không thể cùng xin đỡ đầu một đứa bé, vì họ chưa có hôn thú. Nếu kế hoạch nhận con nuôi thành công, tổ ấm của họ sẽ có 3 con nuôi (2 trai, 1 gái) và một con đẻ Shiloh Nouvel.

Theo ông Long, minh tinh Angelina Jolie không nhận được bất kỳ sự đối xử đặc biệt nào. Hồ sơ xin con nuôi của cô sẽ được xem xét theo đúng quy trình và được giải quyết trong vòng 4 tháng.

Ông Nguyễn Văn Trung, Giám đốc Trung tâm Bảo trợ trẻ mồ côi Tam Bình, phát biểu, ông rất mừng khi nữ diễn viên Hollywood có ý định đỡ đầu một đứa trẻ tại trung tâm. "Nếu ai muốn nhận con nuôi, chúng tôi rất mừng, vì tương lai của cháu bé sẽ tốt đẹp hơn ở đây. Tuy nhiên, nếu người nước ngoài muốn nhận con nuôi thì cần phải thực hiện đúng luật Việt Nam", ông Trung nói. Hiện nay, trại Tam Bình vẫn đang chờ chỉ đạo từ Bộ Tư pháp, UBND và Sở Tư pháp TP HCM.

Thông tin "bà Smith" muốn nhận con nuôi Việt Nam dấy lên từ cuối năm 2006, khi cô và Brad bất ngờ tới TP HCM và tới thăm trung tâm bảo trợ trẻ em mồ côi Tam Bình như những du khách bình thường.

Ngày 19-1, Angelina Jolie trở lại để họp với tổ chức Hợp tác tài chính quốc tế tài trợ cho dự án tại các nước tiểu vùng sông Mekong (IFC-MPSDF) - cơ quan hợp tác với quỹ Maddox Jolie do cô thành lập. Nhân dịp này, hai phóng viên của báo Times (Anh) đã tới Trung tâm Tam Bình để thực hiện phóng sự về Angie. Họ đặc biệt chú ý tới các cậu bé khoảng 5 tuổi.

Theo V.H - VnExpress

HANOI, Vietnam Mar 2, 2007 (AP)— Angelina Jolie has filed papers to adopt a Vietnamese child, the country's top adoption official said Friday.

A U.S. adoption agency representing the 31-year-old actress filed the papers at Vietnam's International Adoption Agency, said Vu Duc Long, the agency's director.

"She just filed the papers this week," Long said.

Jolie and her partner, Brad Pitt, have three children: 5-year-old son Maddox, adopted from Cambodia; 2-year-old daughter Zahara, adopted from Ethiopia; and another daughter, Shiloh, who was born to the couple in May.

Long would not name the U.S. adoption agency working with Jolie, who applied to adopt as a single parent.

A phone message left with Jolie's Los Angeles-based manager, Geyer Kosinski, wasn't immediately returned.

Jolie and Pitt, 43, made a surprise visit to Vietnam at Thanksgiving, when they visited the Tam Binh orphanage, on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City.

Their pictures were splashed across the front page of Vietnamese newspapers, showing the couple cruising around Ho Chi Minh City on a motorbike.

Nguyen Van Trung, the director of the Tam Binh orphanage, declined to comment. He said he was awaiting the papers from the International Adoption Agency.


travel log
  • 02.13.08 - to the temple with Luan and his mom, good to be back
  • 02.14.08 - Mẫu's alive! and staying for the weekend
  • 02.15.08 - floor hockey and Thái food makes for some strange dreams
  • 02.17.08 - frisbee and swamp monster at the park: fun but I'm pooped!
  • 02.19.08 - just read Triết's response to my last post - game on!
  • 02.20.08 - raining and expected to continue through Sunday - thank goodness!
  • 02.21.08 - 3-hour nap is a bad idea right before bed
  • 02.23.08 - to the beach to watch kites, a baptism @ 5pm, and homemade bulgogi - what a day!
  • 02.25.08 - just gave myself a haircut - woo, cold head!
  • 02.26.08 - 75° and spring cleaning - couldn't feel better
  • 02.27.08 - fed the elders bún đậu tonight - think it's their first time
  • 03.01.08 - working on new background...
  • 03.02.08 - finalized javascript to change background without muffing up my other scripts
  • 03.03.08 - fhe: "In his strength I can do all things" (Alma 26:12)
  • 03.07.08 - some decisions are harder than others, but some are downright excruciating
  • 03.08.08 - there is life after work... i almost forgot
  • 03.11.08 - the distance between good and bad is much shorter than between better and best
  • 03.12.08 - conversion is sometimes a gradual process, so much so that we don't even notice
  • 03.14.08 - for some reason everything was a little harder today, looking forward for bed!
  • 03.15.08 - last night after blog reading, I missed OnlyBlue, today I find she's back
  • 03.16.08 - best day of my life!
  • 03.19.08 - "Pray for the answer that they've been looking for"
release notes v1.0 - FINALLY DONE!
  • 12.07 - first thought of starting a new blog
  • 01.08 - busy with election stuff but blog design still on back burner
  • 01.13.08 - first idea to imitate jk rowling with the "desk" theme
  • 01.28.08 - start sketching current design, breaking down development into phases
  • 02.02.08 - election only days away but still drafting final plans
  • 02.04.08 - v0.6 LAUNCH
    • main components (blog body, sidebar, header, etc) designed and implemented
    • styling for font, links, drop caps, etc. finished
  • 02.07.08 - v0.8 LAUNCH
    • image style to imitate polariod
    • moveability - post-it notes and static clings can be repositioned by drag and drop
    • release notes styled and written
  • 02.16.08 - travel log (beta) added in hopes of catching the mundane
  • 02.22.08 - lightbox 2.03 reinstalled and working fine (hopefully - let me know otherwise)
  • 02.26.08 - v0.9 LAUNCH
    • travel log seems to be working, so I'll keep it
    • lightbox also seems to have passed the test, so it's a keeper
    • some credits/info added to bottom (will expand)
    • keeping old Viet terms in archive for future viewing
  • 03.18.08 - v1.0 LAUNCH
    • installation and testing of time-sensitive background completed (for now)